Tackling the Baden-Powell Trail
Crew 22 of Waynesboro has been going on an impossible mission across Washington DC. Their adult leaders, with the assistance of the youth leaders, create a plethora of clues and challenges for two groups of the crew’s youth to follow. Using these clues each group must race against time, and the other group, to score as many points as possible by solving clues, finding locations, and snapping group selfies in front of famous monuments in DC. Each year, the challenge is tweaked to keep returning attendees on their toes. Most recently, each group would be awarded a landslide of points if they could complete “The Baden-Powell Trail” created by the National Capitol Area Council. They followed tricky clues to important landmarks in the history of scouting. For example, the Willard Hotel or Boy Scout Memorial. After hours of running around the city and scoring points, both groups set aside their competitiveness and enjoy dinner together while discussing each other’s experiences.
Avery Scout
Youth Member
Wilderness First Aid Training in the Cold
A lot of us in Ivy Scouts (Troops 114 and 3125) are going to high adventure bases this next year, so many of us (both Scouts and leaders) needed to get Wilderness First Aid certified. Wanting to have a cold weather camping trip as well, Ivy Scouts decided to do both at the same time. Fortunately we have the Misty Mountain campground nearby! The Scouts had a great trip with lots of good memories and skills learned. At the end of the day on Saturday, we had a little search and rescue competition. Each group had to find a CPR manakin in the woods and apply wilderness first aid to it. We camped in the back camping area at Misty Mountain and it got down to about 20º. It was chilly in the morning but everyone survived. To keep things simple, we ate backpacking meals so we only had to heat up water. Everyone who attended became Wilderness Survival trained and CPR/AED certified by Dr. Kyle Enfield and Dr. Adam Belsches. Dr. Enfield also brought along a few of his UVA medicine students for extra help and teaching. Overall, the trip was very fun and was great opportunity to hold a cold weather camping trip and an educational wilderness survival training.
Brady S.
Rock in Crocs Patrol Leader
Troop 114
Avery Scout
Youth Member