
Diversity Equity & Inclusion

The Scouting Movement, including the Scouts BSA and the Virginia Headwaters Area Council, is dedicated to increasing diversity in Scouting.

The BSA’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Vision

To partner with all families and communities in raising young people of high moral character, developing their leadership skills and preparing them to serve and thrive in a world of increasing complexity and challenge.

BSA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion website

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

This isn’t just the Scout Law, these values provide the framework for advancing diversity and inclusiveness.  By harnessing and embracing our differences, we create stronger units and a stronger society.

Help foster awareness for diversity and inclusion by having a diversity moment at your meetings.

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge

Introducing Citizenship in Society, the BSA’s newest merit badge (Scouting Magazine)

VAHC Diversity and Inclusion Patch

The “Commitment to Diversity” patch was created by the Virginia Headwaters Council’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee to strengthen inclusiveness, celebrate diversity, and create cultural awareness and

This patch is meant for a Scout to complete with a parent or guardian, or any adult leader.

There are 4 levels of individual Scout requirements.
1. Cub Scouts
2. Scouts under age 14
3. Scouts over age 14 & Venturers
4. Scout Leaders

For the full list of requirements, please download the VAHC diversity patch requirements.

Camp Shenandoah 75th

Own Your Day

This day, January 26, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

    Own Your Day »