Looking for a pack, troop, crew, or ship near you?

Use the BeAScout.org website to find maps of all the units in your area, information on contacting the units, and links to apply online.

Unit leaders, please send any additions or corrections to Matt Phillippi.

Mountain Valley District Cub Scout Packs

Cub Scout Logo Cub Scouting (youth in grades K-5) is fun for the whole family.  In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.
Pack Type* Location of Pack Meetings Pack Meeting Times Chartering Organization BeAScout Pin Website/Social Media Additional Information
1 Family Pack Sunset Drive UMC, Browadway Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm Council Registered Pack 1 Facebook
11 Family Pack
24 Westminister Drive, Fishersville, VA
Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm Tinkling Springs Presybterian Church Pack 11 Facebook
26 Family Pack Edgemont Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Pack 26
29 Family Pack Grace Episcopal Church,
Lexington, VA
Mondays @ 6:30 pm Grace Episcopal Church Pack 29 Facebook
30 Boy Pack St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Staunton, VA Mondays @ 7:00 pm St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Pack 30 Website
38 Family Pack Bridgewater Church of the Brethren Thursdays @ 6:30 pm Bridgewater Church of the Brethren Pack 38 Facebook pack38vahc@gmail.com
41 Family Pack McGaheysville United Methodist Church Council Registered Pack 41
48 Family Pack Mt. Crawford Ruritan Club Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm Mt. Crawford Ruritan Club Pack 48 Facebook
73 Family Pack Westminster Presbyterian Church Pack 73
120 Family Pack Massanutten Presbyterian Church
50 Indian Trail Road
Penn Laird VA
Mondays @ 6:00 pm Council Registered Pack 120 Website


162 Family Pack South Fork Ruritan Club, Brandywine, WV Every other Thursday, 6 pm Pendleton Community Bank Pack 162
349 Family Pack VFW Post 9399 Stuarts Draft

*Packs are either all-girl packs, all-boy packs, or family packs (with separate boy and girls dens).

Mountain Valley District Scouts BSA Troops

Scouts BSA Logo Scouts BSA (youth 11-17 years old) is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.
TroopTypeLocation of Troop MeetingsTroop Meeting TimesChartering OrganizationBeAScout PinWebsite/Social MediaAdditional Information
1 Boy Troop Broadway-Timberville Ruritan Club Troop 1 Facebook
2 Boy Troop Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm Clifton Forge Presbyterian Church Troop 2
5 Boy Troop Mondays @   7:00 pm Lexington Presbyterian Church Troop 5
8 Boy Troop Churchville Lions Club
11 Boy Troop Fishersville Scout Center behind Fishersville Baptist Church Thursdays @ 7:00 pm Tinkling Spring Presbyterian Church Troop 11 Website
28 Boy Troop Massanutten Presbyterian Church Mondays @ 7:00 pm Massanutten Presbyterian Church Troop 28 Facebook
29 Boy Troop Grace Episcopal Church Troop 29 Facebook
30 Boy Troop Mondays @ 7:00 pm St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Troop 30
33 Boy Troop St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Staunton Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Troop 33 Website
38 Boy Troop Bridgwater Church of the Brethren Mondays @ 7:00 pm Bridgwater Church of the Brethren Troop 38 Facebook
40 Boy Troop Asbury United Methodist Church Mondays @ 7:00 pm Council Registered Troop 40 Website
42 Boy Troop Harrisonburg Baptist Church Mondays @ 7:00 pm Harrisonburg Baptist Church Troop 42 Facebook
46 Boy Troop Elkton United Methodist Church Council Registered
48 Boy Troop Mt. Crawford United Methodist Church Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm Council Registered Troop 48 Facebook
73 Boy Troop Westminster Presbyterian Church Troop 73
84 Boy Troop
92 Girl Troop Grace Episcopal Church Troop 92 Facebook
124 Boy Troop Tenth Legion-Mtn. Valley Ruritan Club Tenth Legion-Mtn. Valley Ruritan Club Troop 124 Facebook
142 Girl Troop St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Waynesboro Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Troop 142
162 Boy Troop South Fork Ruritan Club, Brandywine, WV Thursdays @ 6:30 pm Pendleton Community Bank Troop 162
242 Girl Troop Harrisonburg Baptist Church Mondays @ 7:00 pm Harrisonburg Baptist Church Troop 242
1038 Girl Troop Bridgewater Church of the Brethren Mondays @ 7:00 pm Bridgwater Church of the Brethren Troop 1038
1879 Boy Troop Fisburne Military School Fishburne Military School

*Troops are either all-girl troops or all-boy troops.

Mountain Valley District Venturing Crews

Venturing Logo Venturing (co-ed youth 14-20 years old) You love exploring your passions, making new friends, and discovering the world. You’re always looking for an adventure. Rappelling a cliff. Perfecting your shot. Designing a robot. Kayaking into the sunset. Exploring your faith. Volunteering at an animal shelter. The choice is yours! Each activity provides an opportunity to shine and learn more about yourself and the world around you. Venturing is youth-led and youth-inspired. You’ll acquire life skills and gain experiences that will prove to be valuable regardless of where your future takes you, all while having a blast: leadership, event-planning, organization, communication, responsibility – the list goes on!
CrewLocation of Crew MeetingsCrew Meeting TimesChartering OrganizationBeAScout PinWebsite/Social MediaAdditional Information
22 Council Registered Crew 22
29 Grace Episcopal Church Social Hall First Tuesday of the month @ 8:30 pm Grace Episcopal Church Crew 29 Facebook
Camp Shenandoah 75th

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