Popcorn & Peanuts


Resources for 2024 Popnuts Campaign are online! Anne has a pack incentives sheet, a parent Q&A, and spreadsheet that were used to track her unit sales from previous years.  Feel free to copy and use for your own sale.   

Google drive of 2024 campaign  materials 

Virtual Kickoff Zoom

Passcode for Zoom: hWN$*1fG


10/18/2024 – Last day to return Show and Sell inventory (10% max)
10/25/2024 – Take orders due
11/08/2024 – Final order distributed (including Chocolate)
11/24/2024 – Popcorn online sale ends
12/06/2024 – Payment due to Council
12/11/2023 – Unit led Popcorn Celebration!
12/15/2024 – Council Prize Amazon gift cards ordered  (mailed to Unit Kernels)

Returns:  Let Shane and Anne know what you would like to return and you can bring it to the Council office in Staunton or to Anne’s porch in Charlottesville at 829 Swan Ridge Road (Redfields subdivision).

Warehouse address:   Elkins Commercial 700 2nd St., Waynesboro VA 22980

Contact Shane & Anne if you cannot make it on delivery day and need to make other arrangements.

Current stock at warehouse (as of 9/26/24)

1 case butter microwave

1 case peanut butter cup

7 tubs of popping corn (1 short of a case)

2 cases 20oz salted peanuts

1 case sweet and savory peanuts

1 case salt and pepper peanuts

1 case salted jumbo cashews

1 case honey cinnamon almonds

2 cases hot honey peanuts

1 case small honey roasted peanuts

1 case peanut brittle

3 cases small Whits Party Mix

Charlottesville area Show and Sell location sign ups:

Food Lion Various locations- on Sept 14th and Oct. 12th only

Public Lands (in Wegmans shopping plaza)

Downtown Mall Charlottesville 

Lowe’s Charlottesville

Mountain Valley Show and Sell sign ups:

Food Lion Various locations- on Sept 14th and Oct. 12th only





Camp Shenandoah 75th

Own Your Day

This day, February 15, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

    Own Your Day »