From the Council President
Happy Holidays to our Virginia Headwaters Scouting Family. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have plenty to be thankful for. Although the bluster of the Christmas season is hurried upon us, the humility and reverence of Thanksgiving is refreshing. I find Thanksgiving a good time for reflection on the past year and re-affirming your priorities and valued things in life. As many of you learned in Wood Badge, you have to make room for the “big rocks” in your life; family, faith, duty; etc. I like to think Scouting is one of my big rocks. I hope you feel the same.
November started with a day-long Virginia Headwaters Council Executive Board retreat. The Board focuses on the “business side” of Scouting so our Districts and units can focus on program and our Scouts can focus on having fun. Our Board retreat was an exceptional meeting with an impressive collection of brilliant minds and dedicated servants. It is simply amazing the depth of talent we have in our Council. In a time, when many Scout Councils are struggling, and lack effective leadership, I can assure you that is not a problem with your Council. The immediate focus of the Board is too continue to increase membership and strengthen the Council finances. Along those lines, units need to sign-up for the Annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) presentation. Please consider generous donations to FOS. Invest in the program we all believe in and love.
As Christmas approaches, don’t forget that the Scouts in Monticello District are selling Christmas trees. And this year an exciting first, Troop 84 of Mountain Valley District is also selling trees in the Stuarts Draft area. Tree sales support our individual Scouts and our Camp. So, please go out, buy a tree or two and support our Scouts.
I hope you all have very Merry Christmas! Don’t get caught up in the hype, and make room for your “big rocks”.