Apple Harvest 5k Trail Run & Ruck

The 2021 Apple Harvest Race will be held both in person and virtual. Registration is open but will close on October 1st. Submission for virtual racers will open on October 3rd though a form on this site.

Fitness has been a pillar of the scouting program for over 100 years. For many years, a 5K walk/run was part of the camporee. We even had a Triathlon one year- with swimming, mountain biking, and trail running.

In an effort to promote fitness in the community, it was decided to open the race up to non-scouting youth and families. We have made many changes over the past 6 years and we have had some interesting challenges.. We want this to be a premier trail running event for youth and families in Central Virginia. Given COVID and the venue this year – we know there may be limitations in participation but we hope you will either join us at Camp or Virtually for the 2021 Apple Harvest Race.

We have been blessed by numerous sponsors– who financially support our race. We could not be successful without their help. If you have the opportunity, thank them for their support. One way to do that is to support their business. All of the profit from our race goes to provide scholarships for scouts who need financial assistance to summer camp.


GORUCK partnered with our Apple Harvest Fest in 2021 to bring rucking to the 5K. What is rucking? Rucking is the foundation of Special Forces training and is as simple as walking with some weight in a backpack. If you’re a Scout, you’ve rucked, so show your stuff and add a new challenge to your 5K this year by wearing a ruck/backpack.

Also known as foot marching, ruck marching, but usually just plain “rucking” is very effective. It sounds simple, but it can burn up to two times the number of calories when compared to an unweighted walk. What’s more, it can benefit your posture and back strength. It’s common to use weight plates or other compact items for the necessary weight. You can carry your own back pack and use any type of weight or purchase a rucksack. Please do not discard equipment on the course as it is considered Foreign Object Debris (FOD). All Ruck finishers are timed and will receive a special patch.

All proceeds from this event will be utilized to assist youth and their families in our community to allow them to participate in the local scouting programs.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, or if you have questions regarding the race, please contact the Race Coordinator at

A big THANK YOU to all of our sponsors!!!

5K Registration Click Here

Camp Shenandoah 75th

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This day, February 15, at Camp Shenandoah made possible by:

    $274 per day That's What It Takes

    It takes $274 per day to keep Camp Shenandoah running, even when Camp is quiet. Electricity, maintenance, and staffing all require your help.

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