Eagle Project Info

Eagle Project Workbook

Use this link to download the latest copy of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. On that page, you should right click on the link and save the workbook to disk.

Eagle Project Approval

Before you begin work on your Eagle Scout Service Project, you must complete the Project Proposal section in the workbook and have it approved by the beneficiary, your unit leader, your unit committee, and the District representative. The Monticello District representative who approves Eagle Projects is Jay Fox.

Before contacting Mr. Fox, please read his Letter to Prospective Eagle Scouts. His contact information can be found in the letter.

Eagle Board of Review

Use this link to download the most recent version of the Eagle Rank Application.

After the application is complete, the unit can request an Eagle board of review. A district representative must sit on the board. A unit leader, preferably the adult who will chair the board of review, should contact Hamp Carruth to arrange the Eagle board of review. The candidate should send a copy of their Eagle rank application with signatures, Eagle project workbook with signatures, and ambitions and life purpose paper to Hamp Carruth.


The National Eagle Scout Association Scholarships page lists a number of scholarships available to Eagle Scouts.

The Scouting.org Scholarships page lists additional scholarships that are available to Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturers from Scouting committees, universities, and high-adventure bases.

Camp Shenandoah 75th

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